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Patricia Morgan Heidlebaugh old friend from Kenya February 23, 2011
Dear Elizabeth and girls: I was shocked to come upon Michael's obituary while doing a facebook search for Fran and Kay, who were friends of me and my two sisters when our families lived in Kenya.  I remember Michael as the kind older brother who always had a funny joke or helping hand for all of the girls he was surrounded by when we were at the Daly home.  We all admired him for his intellect, good humor and generosity.  His mum just adored him!  And he had such a great relationship with his dad!  We all knew he was destined to do great things in life, and reading all that I have been able to find on him, we were not at all wrong.  I and my sisters are so sad to read of his sudden passing.  We send you our loving thoughts and prayers.  I have this feeling that he is with his parents and our parents and all his old friends and they are all talking and listening to Michael tell one of his many fascinating stories.  God bless you all, and may your faitrh and memories comfort you.
Diane Kostelnik Cedar Rapids Friend September 29, 2010
I was a FAN. I was so very impressed with Micheal's life deeds. I loved his stories, his work, his projects around the house, the humorous way he would spin a tale. You may remember, Elizabeth, that I wrote a story on Mike for a writing class I was taking in MO. I thought I would only need a couple hours and I ended up spending 3 days at your house; honestly, STILL one of the most interesting few days of my life. Elizabeth - you and your girls look so happy and well in the photos. I send my heart-filled condolences and thanks for all the wonderful memories with the two of you and your spunky daughters. With Love, Diane
Marian & Roger Flink Friend August 26, 2010

Dear Elizabeth, Claire, Frindee, Louisa & Family,

Mike was an unforgettable friend & we know he was so proud to have you as his family. We can still hear his laugh and he could tell a story like no one else! The good times we enjoyed & shared together will always be remembered.  What a wonderful life he lived and lived it to the fullest, which is a gift.  What a blessing he was to so many people. May God wrap His loving arms around you all and hold you in the palm of His hand.

David Skinner Childhood friend June 30, 2010
To Elizabeth and the girls, I offer my sincerest condolences. I found Mike's obituary quite by accident. I knew Michael in Kenya where our families were very close friends (my father Les Skinner travelled to Kenya with them) Unfortunately I lost touch with Mike although I did hear snippets of news from Jimmy and Frances when they were alive and more recently through Kay and Simon's Christmas newsletter. I have many happy memories of life in Kenya and of Mike. I can only immagine your pain at his death but I know that his memory will be with you forever and hopefully comfort you all. David Skinner Timaru, New Zealand
Tish Busick Surgeon, Knoxville, IA June 21, 2010
Although I only knew Dr. Daly for a short year while I was practicing in Cedar Rapids, he is someone that had a great impact on me and I will never forget.  He gave me a great deal of advice on surviving surgical practice in the states, while following my heart.  Only because he knew the same in himself, he gave me insight into the fact that we all have God given talents and we must share those with the world.  I can't play the piano, ride a horse or recite poetry, but I love to do surgery in small town Iowa and that is as valuable as any other talent.  I know this because he told me so, I believed him and I am living it today.  With so many distractions amongst us, he was focused on the greater good.  If only we could all live our lives as fully and passionately as he did.  He encouraged me to never get too comfortable and in that spirit, my venture this February will be to learn Swahili and take my skills with me to Tanzania. He is truly one of the legends in the field of surgery and humanatarian efforts.  I will think of him in my endeavors and as I aspire to live my life with purpose, as he did. 
Gail Narron bridge friend June 19, 2010



I dont know if you remember me, I was Gail Royall and had 3 daughters also, Holden, Julia and Jane.  I used to play bridge at your house in Wilson Mills....oh what fun we had!  I still live in Smithfield partime and in Texas.  I just came across Michael's obituary in the Smithfield Herald a few minutes ago.  I enjoyed looking at the pictures of you and your family on this web page.  The girls are beautiful and so are so as always!  I remember them running around the house while we were attempting to play bridge, but we were really more interested in visiting!  Oh what fond memories.  Love to you and am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  Gail Narron

Donna Stallings office asst/friend June 12, 2010

I guess maybe there are just a precious few people in the world who genuinely love mankind. Dr. Michael Daly was one of them.  He was such a humble man I think all these words of praise would make him uncomfortable. To him, he was just doing what he was meant to do.  He had a gift, he knew where it came from, and he never forgot it.


I had the privilege of working for him during his years in Smithfield.  His compassion made such an impact on his patients that even after he had been gone for a while, they would still ask about him. I hope he knew how much the people in Johnston County loved and missed him. He said one time he never hoped for a lot of money--he wanted a family that loved him--a house to fix up--and a garden to dig in. Michael Daly, you were a very rich man!


To Elizabeth and the girls-it couldn't have been easy to share this man with the world, but we are very grateful you did.


Rest well my friend.  I will see you again.

Joseph Johnson . June 10, 2010
My sincerest condolences on your loss. I was a patient of Dr. Daly when I was in the second grade,when I swallowed a dime, and he truly showed the compassion  small child needed.
rose patient June 9, 2010

I was a patient of Dr.Daly when he had an office in Smithfield and was really sad

 when he left. He was a very kind person and took good care of my medical needs. I have thought of him a lot over the years.  I am sorry for your loss.

Rose patient June 9, 2010
Condoléances totales: 17
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